Sak Yantra

Sak Yant; Sak – meaning “to tap” or, “to tattoo”, and Yant, meaning “Yantra”.

For hundreds of years, Thai and Khmer warriors where renowned and feared for the magical markings tattooed on their skin. These markings were a mix of Buddhist psalms and prayers, and shamanistic spells and sorcery that had survived the Religious transition from the pre-Buddhist, Hindu era and been incorporated in the belief system of the newly born Buddhist countries. sak2

================= [more info on sakyant here]

I first heard about Sak Yant when I was browsing the internet for my potential next tattoo design. Everybody was getting Alibata/Japanese / Chinese tattooes back then so I toyed with the idea of getting a “Thai tattoo”.  What I found was not only a batch of intricately made designs but that which held significance to Buddhists like me.

Going online will give you a bunch of  forums where people argue back and forth about the “magic” and safety of sakyants. And I believe that a few people at some point wanted to get these sacred tattooes but got carried away/discouraged by what they read online. It was different for me though – nothing discouraged me since it is for me more than just a tattoo–but a declaration of faith.

So I decided I wont let this year end without me getting a sakyant–Even if it meant flying all the way back to Thailand again.

3 weeks ago, Amidst allthe chaos that went on in Bangkok– our flight getting postponed and me throwing a bitch fit maybe once or twice (or thrice) with the airline, We finally made it to Thailand.

The best quality of Sakyant Ive ever seen was done by a Ruesi named Ajarn Anek in chonburi. (PM me if you want his contact details)

This being a sacred ceremony, it started and ended with prayers with a longer blessing made after the tattoo was done.

Here are some photos of me receiving the Yan Ha Taew. I have always been attracted to the Yan Ha Taew. And he also agreed it would be good for me.

And in case you’re wondering, that is just a rod with 6 needle- tip he’s using. Yes, it is more painful than the usual tattoo you get because you feel every tap of pain. I was impressed how Ajarn Anek never used any stencils. All he needed was 5 lines drawn and his “needle-rod” did the rest..


Every person who goes to Ajarn Anek for a Sakyant gets another yant on the wrist – mark of the Buddha, to represent that you’ve been blessed with a Sakyant and to bring you good luck as well. You can choose to have it done in oil if you wish to be discreet. But I chose to have mine in black. This was my first wrist tattoo–it was as painful as I thought. Here’s a video of my wrist yant getting done. Feel the pain!! hahaha!

When I went around Bangkok, people stared yet smiled when they see  my yant. To most,  this may just be another tattoo — But to a Buddhist like me, it feels VERY good to own sak yants. –My faith for everyone to see.

would I recommend it to everyone? Maybe not. Not unless that person feels such a strong urge to really have a sakyant. Having one is like having another commitment you have to maintain in your life.  There are rules you have to follow, prayers you have to keep, etc.  And being a Buddhist, I take that commitment to heart.

img_0432 yant1

Update (October 19, 2012)

I love the responses I got since writing this entry 3 years ago.  Thank you for all your comments– A sakyant is a beautiful thing and I have always loved my own and it is rewarding to influence people to believe and explore the possibility of owning one.

Like I mentioned here before, owning a sakyant is a commitment. It is more than just a tattoo with unique aesthetics. This commitment is what brought me back to visit Ajarn Anek last August 10, 2012

I wanted to get the yan ha taew blessed again as I was going through a crucial point in my life. I also accompanied a good friend who’s wanted a sakyant for a while now. Before this, I havent visited Thailand or Ajarn because of several business trips– so suffice to say, I was worried that he might not remember me and/or my friend wont be able to get her tattoo and the whole trip end up being wasted.

A lot can happen in 3 years- When I arrived in bangkok, there were a lot of new infrastructures, rules, and establishments that werent there before. It pleased me to know though that Ajarn still lived in the outskirts of Chonburi.  That despite the changes around him, despite getting donations and popularity, I found him in the same place I went to 3 years ago.

Fortunately for me, Ajarn doesnt easily forget. He remembered me, where I came from, my roots (as I told him last time I was there) and even remembered  that I have become friends with his daughter and his good friend Paul and told me stories of what I missed in 3 years. He still spoke no English but I understood his words by way of his gestures or with what little Thai I learned. He had a new dog named Apple (apol) whom he’s taught how to wai (it can wai 3 times and it’s the cutest thing!) and he was still a jolly soul like when I first met him.

Ajarn showed several sakyant designs to my friend and out of many, she chose the jinjok (gecko) and the yanhataew as they stood out to her. Ajarn saw themm, asked some questions and told her, she would be better with the jinjok. And here are some pictures of her getting the jinjok:

ajarn’s new dog Apple. He’s trained her to wai 3 times when he says “sawadeekap”

While being given the sakyant, you are asked to chant a prayer  — it differs depending on the sakyant you’re being given. Angela said she didnt feel much pain and in fact, dozed off.

finished! The jin jok has had a reputation. It’s been said it gives good luck in love and attraction. However, Ajarn says there are different kinds of jin joks. and this one in particular is for good fortune.

Now for my yan ha taew. I asked Ajarn for a blessing. And he did better by retouching, wrote over a couple of characters, and blessed it too. You’ve had a view of the “before” — now here’s a view of the “after”– the reinforced yan ha taew.

my yan ha taew looking stronger and better!

receiving blessings for my reinforced sakyant

a ritual of blessing– before we left

We left Chonburi and thailand in high spirits. It was very refreshing for a Buddhist like me — enough for me to say it was the highlight of my trip. Always has been and always will be.

Like I told my friend when she got her sakyant, it is not just a tattoo. It is something you take good care of as it holds more significance than just ink on your skin. I’d be happy to report, that she got a lot of good blessings since we got back. 🙂


I went back to Bangkok for 5 days last week and was supposed to accompany a couple I met through this blog. They are practicing Buddhists who wanted to get SakYants and we’re flying all the way from Europe.

Due to some miscommunication, we ended up not meeting and I wasn’t able to go to Ajarn’s place either.

On our last day however, I heard from them and they reported that they had been having trouble sending email and were glad I left my phone number so they could chat with me thru WhatsApp.

Even better, they were able to get their SakYants with what little instruction they gathered ftom here and are very very happy with them. They both got very beautiful and powerful yants. Here are some pictures they sent:

Pictured above: two Singhas on Matteo


Pictures above: (1) Yant Suea or the Tiger and (2) Gao Yordt sakyants on Sara.

Both described the experience as unforgettable and meaningful. And considers Ajarn Anek a definite Master of his work.
It’s always refreshing to meet people who crossed the line to faith from curiosity.

***This update, however, is not bereft of disappointing news. And as much as I would like to lie through my teeth and tell the world it is all well, it wont be fair to those who end up risking a lot just to get a sakyant.

The couple mentioned something that disturbed me and it had to do with Ajarn’s contracted transport/ guide, Jaan. It seemed to them that since he picked them up to and brought them home from Ajarn’s home, he takes advantage by blatantly asking for more money where it’s not deserved or needed.
I did see this happening since Jaan only offered to work with Ajarn to bring visitors to him. It’s sad that he’s turned it into a money-making scheme.
I cannot speak for Jaan but let this be fair warning to those who opt to contact Jaan to visit Ajarn. He might attempt to haggle more money out of you but don’t let this discourage you to move forward, meet Ajarn, and get a SakYant if this is what your heart really tells you.

I will be back to Thailand early next year and will be paying Ajarn a visit. I look forward to it. 🙂

  1. Rebecca Harris says:

    Hey i have been wanting a sakyant for a long time and i wish to get it before my 21st. iv heard about srchan anek before cam you please send me his contact details?

    • kimmyin says:

      Hi rebecca,

      glad to hear another lady is interested in sak yants.

      I agree Ajarn Anek had the best detailing and quality for sak yants.

      If you are holidaying in Pattaya and you would like to visit for one of the best Sak Yant tattoo’s available, you can contact them. WhenI first went, I had their car pick me up. it was about 200 baht per person (there were 2 of us) so we ended paying the driver 400 baht. still not bad.

      Phone No is:
      089-8226515 : 086-8286617
      Pickup Service: (Limited English)

  2. Gaelen says:

    Hi Rebecca,

    Just got a Sak Yant tattoo at Wat Bang Pra outside of Bangkok. It is very similar to the one on your ankle in the photo above. I’d REALLY appreciate it if you could shoot me an email ( and let me know exactly what it means if you have any info. Thanks!!


  3. Frank says:

    You can tell me about the prices to receive a sak yant from ajarn anek?

    • kimmyin says:

      Hi Frank!

      Thanks for visiting my blog… The price he quoted me for the yant was 2500 baht. This was for the Yant i wanted and the yant he will be placing on your wrist as a sign that you’ve been blessed with a yant and have been in his place. If you’re coming from Pattaya and want his driver to pick you up, it will be 200 baht per person (this price is two-way). Last I came, I spent about 3000 baht… The tattoo, the transport (there were 2 of us, thus 400 for the transport) and 100 for tips.

      Hope this Helps

  4. Lynn says:

    Question? When getting a Sak Yant tattoo done, does it necessarily have to be done by a monk? Or can you also get it done at a regular tattoo parlor?

  5. kimmyin says:

    Hi Lynn!

    Sak Yants are known for their sacred-ness.. The fact that the tattoo itself is blessed is what makes it interesting. It is best to have it done by a monk or a Ruesi. Because they can perform the whole ritual for you and bless your tattoo. I havent tried having sak yants done with regular tattoo parlors but I would imagine that defeats the purpose. You’ve reduced the Yant to just a design and not something of sacred origins. 🙂

  6. Ajarn Anek would take about 3500 baht for something like Ha Taew on the shoulder blade – a full back piece costs anything between 40 and 70 thousand baht – so just as expensive as on a Western tattoo convention, but one thing is certain; his tattooing is fine and continuous line of high quality and well defined. he doesn’t rush his work and takes up to 3 hours for a Hanuman on the biceo which many temples would whack on in abut 20 minutes. The prices are rather high but if what you are looking for is good quality design and a friendly Ajarn you could do a lot worse than visit ajarn Anek – his friendliness and laughter is legendary. A piece of advice; dont let the black dog sit on your lap if you can avoid it as if you do youll have to put some money in the purse around its neck for good luck, lol.
    For those who wish full backpiece or work which needs more than one day, if you are not staying in Pattaya, he has some rooms in the back for visitors to spend the night in case you need a few days to finish the job.
    Say hi from Sam from sak yant website if you go there (thats me)

    • kimmyin says:

      Hi Spencer,

      Thank you for visiting–
      I agree with you– few locals have told me that getting the ha taew from other temples would cost me way cheaper than what i payed for (2500 baht). but when i look at pictures of those, the lines tend to be blurry in the long term– I am very satisfied with the quality of my 2 yants from Ajarn Anek.

      I laughed when you said not to let the black dog sit on the lap since this dog was very very friendly. So I got a little worried and started recounting if he did end up sitting on my lap–or not– since i was lying down while i got the tattoo.

      Supposedly what happens if this dog sits on your lap?

  7. Ken says:

    If the dog sits on your lap you will be expected to put money in the pouch for good luck. He’s also got another dog there now. It might be his daughter’s. It’s a little white one and it will wai to you. You will be expected to put something in there for it too.

    Ajarn is very kind and I have found kindness is always returned in more kindness. I spent a very long session there and when I was finished his wife(?)insisted on feeding me. It was yummy.

    @Spencer If you read this reply I should get around to sending you a couple updated photos. Hit me up on twitter. Ken

  8. You are supposed to recieve good luck and fortune, meaning you will get a windfall or lottery or good business sales.
    Maybe it is so.. me personally i believe in what i experience to be true and am open but slightly sceptical to all things. In Buddhism, as far as realisation and enlightenment goes, there are two kinds of people;
    1.the kind who have total faith without questioning (these ones enlighten quickly but are not inclined to teach others – pratyeka Buddhas)
    2. The kind who have to question everything and experience some kind of experiential evidence first before they give into believing. (this kind will take a lot longer to enlighten, but when they do their faith will be founded on a firm basis and will be enlightened with wisdom and knowledge instead of blind faith. Tthe Buddha always recommended that panya (wisdom) should be the highest of the three necessary ingredients to enlightenment; the other two being Sila/moral precepts, and samadhi/1 pointed concentration/meditation. This kind of Buddha will be the kind to teach others and propagate the dharma)
    If i ever enlighten then i shall belong to the second class of beings, as i have a very enquiring mind.
    “Do not believe in what you have heard; do not believe in traditions because they have been handed down for many generations; do not believe anything because it is rumored and spoken of by many; do not believe merely because the written statement of some old sage is produced; do not believe in conjectures; do not believe merely in the authority of your teachers and elders. After observation and analysis, when it agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all, then accept it and live up to it” (The Buddha)

    • kimmyin says:

      Thanks For clarifying– was bracing myself for something bad that might happen, etc. LOL

      Interesting you raise the 2 types of enlightened people in Buddhism. I would also qualify myself in the 2nd kind — as most people probably would Growing up exposed to Science and reason teaches us to question things, I guess.
      Though I still find it impressive how some people can have such faith/trust and be able to surrender to it ultimately.

  9. Alex says:

    Hi Rebecca I live in Hong Kong and I will visit Thailand soon to get some sacred Sak Yants from Ajarn Anek, his detailed work is just amazing!

    I would like to ask you 2 questions:

    How far is Ajarn Anek from Bangkok by car or by taxi?

    Referring to safety, how does he sterilize the needle?

    • Alex says:

      sorry I wrote “Hi Rebecca” but my post was addressed to Kimmyin.

    • kimmyin says:

      Hello Alex,

      Good for you! I will be in bangkok november 19-24th and might

      drop by Ajarn Anek’s as well!

      As for your questions:

      (1)From bangkok is a 2 hour land travel to pattaya. You can

      either take a cab (be ready to spend 1500-2000 baht) or you can

      take the bus to pattaya (about 180 baht). When you get to

      Pattaya, you can call Jahn Ajarn’s driver to meet you so he can

      take you to Ajarn — driver and transportation costs 300 baht.

      (2) When I arrived he took out new needles to place on the rod that he uses.I say needles because i think there are 6 at the end of that rod. I didnt notice for sure how he sterilizes it but was told he places the rod in warm water and alcohol while not in use or replace it totally if it hasnt been used a long time.

      It is a very good experience.

  10. Ken says:

    He will typically soak the needles in alcohol overnight and then will heat sterilize them with a lighter before beginning. You can see him do that on my video on YouTube. It’s not an autoclave, for sure, but I have had nothing bad happen after 3 trips (4 days) of receiving sak yant.

  11. Grace says:

    Hey there! Does the design on your wrist differ from woman to woman? I want to get a design recreated on my forearm and get it blessed at a later date since I can’t go to thailand. Hopefully one day! =] Also if so do you know anything about ( ) the design picture on your left. I’ll I’ve found about it is that it means great blocker but im not sure if women are able to get it so im just curious if you may know? =]

    • kimmyin says:

      Hi Grace,
      Thanks for dropping by. The one on my wrist is the symbol of the Buddha.. was given to me as a mark that i’ve been blessed with a sakyant by ajarn Anek– When i went to Bangkok from Pattaya, locals who saw my wrist react well to it.

      As far as restrictions for the designs, i know none. the only restriction Ajarn Anek told me was not to have a sakyant of an animal that goes against your own sign. (like if you’re born on the year of the PIg, you cant have a tiger sakyant coz a pig is a prey to the tiger, etc.)

      As for the left design you pasted, i see that in some male thai boxers. havent seen it on a woman yet.

  12. Dor says:

    Hi ken & kimmyin,

    I want get my sak yant done. Yup, I want it done by either a monk or Ruesi. I do believe in the spirit blessing. well,…
    I come across your web-site before I have also visited Ajarn Anek’s web-site.
    I wonder;umm.. how do you find out that Ajarn Anek is a Ruesi?

    • kimmyin says:

      Hi dor,

      Thanks for visiting! Im happy to meet another believer in the blessing. I wasnt much of a believer myself. Til I found out about sakyants.

      Ajarn Anek is not a monk. I think He is a Ruesi though. How I know is when I have our hotel receptionist call his number to ask for an appointment, the receptionist told me he is not a monk — Just a Ruesi. (it sounded like “Rusi” when the thai said it but i think that’s what he meant :D)

  13. Dino Perine says:

    Have just turned back from a tremendous holiday to Pattaya, stayed at Rocky Beach in the northwest part which is less busy than southeast areas, superior hotel and awesome bays near Pattaya like at Koh Larn. We hired a cycle for only 250 baht per day and would drive around the full region. So many great sites to dine, our favourite restaurant was Thai Food Heaven which had the most phenomenal view over the beach, the staff was really friendly and the food so delicious, we would go for sunset cocktails. My wife and I had a great time in Pattaya City and will be back for Songkran.

    • kimmyin says:

      Absolutely agree. The place is awesome. food’s great. It’s definitely worth visiting and coming back to. That’s why I come back every year since I’ve been there. lol 🙂

  14. Ken says:

    Hi Dor,

    I can only speak to Ajarn Anek. His lineage is that he is the nephew of Buddha Poodum and spent over 11 years in a cave/forest living with him and learning the craft.

    He has some photographs of him with his uncle Poodum that he shared with me on a visit there.

    I’m not sure how to check others.

  15. Ken says:

    He’s a layman (vs. monk) in the same way that Ajarn Noo is a layman (private practice, not in temple, etc..) Perhaps Spencer can jump in and explain it better than I 🙂

  16. Milouni says:

    Hi I live in India any chance of getting it done at the Dharamshala in Himachal Pradesh, india?

    • kimmyin says:

      Hi Milouni– i honestly dont know if there are monks or ruesis who offer to do a sakyant in India. would be interesting if there were. 🙂

  17. luigi pescara says:

    ciao carissimo vorrei sapere se e’ possibbile fare il tatuaggio delle 5sacred lines da un tatuatore normale
    purtroppo adesso non posso viaggiare in tailandia per motivi economici
    ma io credo molto in spiritualita’

  18. Kolt says:


    I was wondering what rules must be obeyed once you receive your Hah Taew and what prayers must be kept?

  19. Paul says:

    Hi, I just got back from PATTAYA and came across your blog. I had Ha Taew and Gao Yord done with Archan Anex ( as its spelled on his business card) .. He performed a ceremony prior and was there for about 3 1/2 hours… I would definitely recommend him, after seeing other similar tattoos from temple monks that look horrible, he was the RIGHT choice!!! As with anything in life you get what you pay for and with a tattoo if your looking for a bargain or you think because your in Thailand its supposed to be dirt cheap.. Don’t call him!! He was very nice and accommodating. Our driver even waited with us the whole time! I have pictures and video if you would like to post on your blog.. Im going back the end.of the year to have him perform Paed Tidt.

    • kimmyin says:

      Hi Paul, thanks for visiting! Always glad to hear from people with sakyants. haven’t been back to pattaya for well over a year and am planning to do so soon. Ajarn anek is the very good and I’m glad to hear you’re happy with your yants. True that his rates aren’t the cheapest but you get what you pay for. I also did the prayers and offerings in the beginning and some blessings in the end after the yanks were done. I want a pae tidt too but have yet to decide where would be a good spot for it for a woman. Thanks for sharing!

    • Ice says:

      Hi Paul,

      May i have contact details of Ajarn Anex pls? Location & tel?… How far is he away from Bangkok?

      Am heading to Bangkok early March, do i need an advance appointment?

      Lastly, how’s the hygiene being practised there?.. are rods & needles sterilised and/or changed?

      Thanks alot & Look forward to hear from u soon!

  20. Hi Paul,

    Did you meet the dogs there as well? Clever beasts, they are! 🙂

    I’d love to see your photos & vid.

    Ken (

  21. elizabeth says:

    I just had my sak yant done by a Ruesi Ajarn Thoy Dabos at the Wat Tong Nai Temple on soi on nut 25 in bangkok. It is a Yan Ha Tei. However, they spoke no english and I wasn’t told what my tattoo meant; although I believe it to be a sacred blessings of health and protection. During the blessing chants I was reminded of those I had seen in some Afro Cuban rituals. While there I also witnessed one of his devotees enter a trance I have read about in the internet.

    • kimmyin says:

      Hi elizabeth
      thanks for dropping by. The Ajarn who made my yan ha tei spoke no English too but there was someone who spoke very limited English and from what i gathered, yan ha tei means “5 lines yant” it’s a 5 line prayer for health, fortune, career, etc. you can check out They have a gallery with some yan ha tei in it and might include a definition.

      Hope this helps



  22. Hello Kimmyin,

    How long for your tattoo be done? I’m asking cause I have only one after in Pattaya.

    Best regards from Brazil.

    • kimmyin says:

      this reply is long overdue– ive been out travelling and havent visited often- how ong it takes to finish the tattoo depends on your design actually. The chants and prayers, blessing and tribute takes a good 10-15 minutes too

  23. Kei says:

    Tanks for the video and photos , I do agree with you . can you send me his address or website please

    • kimmyin says:

      hi– thank you for visiting my blog– i havent visited my blog in ages and this response may be long overdue– if you are still interested, you can look up poodumtattoo from google– it will take you to a website Ajarn Anek’s friend Paul made for him– it has the address and the details plus some pictures of actual sak yants 🙂

  24. Kei says:

    Here in the uk there is a tattoo artist from Thailand he was a monk that use to do sak yant in Thailand for years he is now working as a tatto artist but just at is normal studio, he said he Can still do the sak yant tattoo with all the right proportions, but I will have to the temple for the blessing .Do you think that’s ok

    • kimmyin says:

      hi Kei– not sure if that’s okay– I havent trieed having a monk in another country do it. The feeling of having the tattoo done in thailand surrounded by Buddha’s blessings and prayers is great and people there appreciate it when they see you have a sakyant

  25. Paolo says:

    Hi!, i come back to pattayain august, for the 3 time, i want do a full arm tatto, you know much??

    • kimmyin says:

      Hi Paolo– thank you for visiting my blog and apologies for the late reply.
      I will be going back to see Ajarn Anek this August 10 as well and will have 2 more sakyants done.
      For a full arm tattoo, i dont know the exact rates as the price depends on the design and the size– I reckon you should prepare ATLEAST 7000 baht

  26. gypsygeeeek says:

    1)How do I get to Wat Bang Pra from Bangkok?
    2) I have an Ajarn to look for, would it be difficult to find him once I’m there?

  27. gypsygeeeek says:

    1) How do I get to Wat Bang Pra from Bangkok?
    2) I have an Ajarn to look for, would it be difficult to find him once I’m there?

    Cheers 🙂

    • kimmyin says:

      Thanks for dropping by.

      Wat bang phra is a bit far from Bangkok. I’m not transportation savvy in Bangkok so I’m not sure if there is a bus that goes up there. All I know is to hire a cab (some cost about 800-1000) and advisable to bring someone who speaks thai.

      As for looking for you Ajarn, it should be fairly easy if you know the location. Bangkok rail systems that can take you around the city. If you know the address, you might want to search which MRT stations are near it.

      Hope this helps


  28. gypsygeeeek says:

    Awesome blog though 🙂 Anw, itz easy to look for Ajarn in Wat Bang Phra?
    Regards, 🙂

  29. Angela says:

    And it did … everything just falls into place and with a friend’s help (wink wink). I am still praying for more good fortune.

  30. MNM says:

    Curious, what happens if you get a tattoo without receiving a monk’s blessing?

    • kimmyin says:

      Hi MNM,
      thanks for visiting. You can get a tattoo anytime without a monk’s blessing– it is totally up to you. However, this would mean that it is just a tattoo in all its beauty and nothing more.
      Most people (me included) get a sakyant not just for the tattoo but for the blessing and the significance it has with Buddhism.


  31. shalini says:

    can i know how much will cost ha taew tatoos

    • kimmyin says:

      Hi Shalini– Thanks for visiting! Apologies for this delayed response!
      The cost? Im not certain how much it costs to get the yanhataew as the jinjok my friend got recently cost her 3000baht — it serves as donation and is higher if youre a tourist. They require much cheaper for locals.

  32. dave says:

    Is it still ok to get a sak yant tattoo done by a regular tattoo artist if you cant reach a monk?
    Im a college student in america and i dont have enough money to travel that far.

    • kimmyin says:

      Hi Dave,

      It wont be a sakyant then but will be a normal tattoo. I suppose you can get a design of the internet and have it copied but it wont hold as much significance as it would a real sakyant. A sakyant is unique because of the blessing and prayers bestowed on you when you get it. But if you would rather just copy off the design, it’s really up to you.

      Thanks for visiting!


  33. Ginni says:

    Heya, I am thinking of travelling to Thailand to get a tattoo done too, was just wondering if they sterilize their equipments?

    • kimmyin says:

      Hi Ginni,

      If you go through the previous comments (quite long, but it’s there. lol) , Ken who also commented that they put the needles in alchohol and let it pass through fire before using. This is the only way we’ve seen it “sterilized” sort-of. But we’re all still alive and well. And if you’re worried about that, I suggest you go there in the morning so you can be the first for the day. Just a suggestion 🙂

      When are you going to thailand? I will be there late May for the Vesak!

      Thanks for visiting!


  34. Hey! I will be travelling to thailand in May also and I am for sure wanting to get a sak yant tattoo. What is the best way to book with him and how far in advance would I need too.

    • kimmyin says:

      HI Zach and Ice,

      Thanks for visiting and it’s awesome to hear about your interests in getting the sakyant too.
      I reckon you will be getting off in Bangkok airport then go to Pattaya from there.

      I suggest that you spend a night or 2 in bangkok and call Jaan atleast a day before planning to go to Pattaya/Chonburi. (Jaan is ajarn anek’s friend– he also is the official “transportation service” for those who would like to go to ajarn.) Jaan speaks and understands a little english. Just speak slowly. Or you could ask a receptionist from the hotel to speak to him in thai. (what i did on my first visit). You can have him pick you up from the Pattaya bus terminal at a certain time or if you have a thai sim in your phone, text him when you’re there and he will pick you up. But be sure to let him know the day before that you are coming. He will also tell ajarn Anek to expect you. there will be instances when I find Ajarn just outside waiting when I arrive.

      I suggest you leave bangkok for pattaya early– maybe 7am– so you can be in pattaya by 9am-10am. You’ll most likely be the first to visit ajarn on that day.

      As for the fees, Last August 2012, Jaan charged me 600 baht for a return drive to and from ajarn’s place. There were 2 of us though– so it was easy to share the fare.

      As for sterilization, Ajarn changes his needles daily. After each use, he places them in alchohol and passes them to fire before using them for the next person. Which is why I suggest you come early so you can be the first person there– thus making sure that the needles used on you are fresh. I will say though that I’ve gone there twice and on both instances, I wasnt the first person in and I’ve never felt ill like the worse kind of stories you’ve probably read about in some websites.

      I will be in thailand this May – June for the Vesak and plan to visit Ajarn to bless my yant. If any of you will be there that time, I’d be glad to accompany you to ajarn.

      Hope this helps!

  35. Ice says:

    Hi Kimmyin,

    I’m visiting Bangkok in March and is thinking of getting a Sak Yant from Ajarn Anek after all the good reviews I have read about him..
    I understand he is located in Chonburi? Where exactly is that, how far away is it from Bangkok and how do i get there? May I have the exact address and contact number please?… Also, do we have to make an appointment before going down?.. How long before do we have to make the appointment and through what means do we make the appointment?

    Thanks alot for your kind help! 🙂


  36. Ice says:

    Hi Kimmyin,

    Another few questions, sorry to trouble.. i understand that Ajarn Anek is a Ruesi?… what ranking is a Ruesi? is it high?…
    Also, as i was considering to go to the Wat Bang Phra temple before to get my Sak Yant done (but i somehow changed my mind after reading about the lack of hygiene-needles not changed and sterilised, only soaked in alcohol… i was wondering if Ajarn Anek’s place practises sterilisation or change of needles, etc?..

    Thanks again! 🙂


  37. Ken says:

    Hi 🙂 I guess I’m still subscribed to the thread so I see when comments come up. Prices have gone up a little over the years, but they’re still quite reasonable (cheap by western standards! although that should be a small factor in choosing an Ajarn :D).

    Ajarn has a facebook page, if you ever want to stay current with things… His facebook group is here:

    The last time I was there, I got some video of how he uses a lighter to flame the needles. When I came back I asked my doctor about it, and (especially because the needles are not hollow, but chisel shaped). The doctor wasn’t overly alarmed at them being a vector. That said, we all make our choices and live with what comes out of it.

    Over the course of years & trips and days and more hours than I can remember I’ve got most of my back done now. I’ve never gotten any sort of infection from it. Bring an aftercare product if you like.

  38. Seetharam says:

    Hey, I was also thinking about getting a sakyant done (preferably by Ajarn Anek). I just wanted to know how much does it cost roughly to get a Yan Ha Taew and are there any variations in the writing depending upon the person?

    • kimmyin says:

      Hi Seetharam,

      Thank you for visiting!
      Last I was there (august 2012), a yanhataew cost about 3500bt. As for the writings on it, I dont believe there are variations as the writings are particular to the yanhataew’s purpose. Changing it wouldn’t do much help in that sense.

      Hope this helps!

  39. Your style is really unique compared to other folks I’ve read stuff from. Thanks for posting when you have the opportunity, Guess I will just book mark this site.

    • kimmyin says:

      Thank you for visiting and for the kind words!
      I try to update when I can and really appreciate people dropping by and leaving comments!
      Blessed be!

  40. Divianshu says:

    Dear Kimmyin,
    I am planning to travel to Thailand to get a Sak Yant… But I’ve heard there are Bramins who can recommend designs on Dewi and Siwa and Ganesha. Do you know any Bramin (Thai Hindus) who can help me. I really want to get one not for the fashion, but because I want the presence of Dewa/Dewi to be in my life.
    Any help is appreciated,

  41. Mattias says:

    Hi. First of all, thanks for a good site/blog. In January 2014 I will visit wat bang phra.
    If any one like to come along we can split a taxi from kao San road.
    I have beeing at the temple twice so I know what to do.

    Send me an email to


  42. It sounds like you had both a fantastic spiritual experience, in addition to participating in this ancient animistic practice. An interesting bit of info about the Yantras origins is that they used to live on the leather armour of the various kingdom’s guards. After a battle, the guards would come back, with their armour all tathered, and need to get new armour made, with new yantras, which had to be blessed all over again. Eventually, someone along the way realized that if they had the protection under their armour, they could save having to regularly have it remade and reblessed 😉

    I have the paedit yantra, protection from all 8 incarnations of Buddha, from the 8 points of the compass (or 8 corners of the universe). I love it, and feel truly humbled to have been able to partake in this ancient practice! Hope you love yours too!

  43. Elson says:

    Hi, I’m a believer in Buddhism from Singapore. I intent to travel to bangkok end of august or early september and get a blessing sak yant.

    Do i just need to contact the driver, Jaan and he will lead me to ajarn anek?

    How do i contact him?

    Do i need to contact ajarn anek for an appointment or just contacting Jaan and he will make the arrangement for me?

    How many days do i need to give him for an appointment? I intent to be there probably 4D3N.

    What’s type of blessing design shall I get? I’m looking for a blessing for my business/work, health and love life and recently I’m really down and out as I lost afew deals in one shot and hasn’t been able to close a deal for the last 2 months.

    What is the roughly charges like as I need to bring enough cash rather than being left without sufficient cash?

    Thanks and urgently need your good advice..

    • kimmyin says:

      Long overdue reply and I’m sorry! If you haven’t gone yet, 3N 4D is enough. Just call him when you get there and let him know when you plan to go. You can also arrange for Jaan to pick you up

  44. Ramesh . A says:

    I’ve just got the gao yord tattoo not from a wat / temple but from a tattoo artist in Songkla Thailand , the guy was really gud with his wrk , he seemed to be very experianced , will the tattoo still have the powers ??

  45. kahleong says:


    i am thinking of getting a sak yang on my back when I go to krabi.
    My concerns :

    1. is there any place in krabi that does it?
    2. Hygiene. Clean needle and ink?
    3. how long is it going to take?

  46. Mark says:

    Hello Kimmyin (and Ken),
    Nice to read your good vibes about the Sak Yant, as I have wanted one for a while. Missed it on my last trip, as didn’t strike early in holiday and other things take over as is the Thai usual 😉
    I’m back in Patts in a couple of weeks and am going to get on the case straight away.. One or two bits going to be added to my back. It’ll definitely mean more to be blessed and done properly. Hopefully I can get some pics taken at the time, and will furnish you with a report.
    All the best,
    Mark X

    • kimmyin says:

      Hey Mark,

      Long overdue reply but thanks for visiting this blog! Hope you got your sakyant already. Would love to see pictures!

  47. dale says:

    Just wondering if you an shoot me contact details for sak yant in pattaya my email is thanks

  48. Daniel says:

    Hello, what type of aftercare to the tattoo do you recommend?

    • kimmyin says:

      Hello Daniel
      Apologies for the delayed response. If it still helps, aftercare is no soap and no hot water on the area until fully healed.

  49. Danica says:

    Hello, I am soo thankful I found this blog. Thank you so much for sharing your experience and knowledge with us.. I recently started to practice Buddhism and it has helped me and changed me in a way that I am forever grateful for.. I am looking to get a Sak Yantra tattoo and i have a few questions to ask you about it.. I hope you read this comment soon and if you do can you please email me at

    Thank you!

    • kimmyin says:

      Hi Danica,

      Thank you for visiting! This reply is a bit delayed and my apologies for that. I would be glad to answer what questions I can.

  50. […] – I’ve narrowed down my love for tattoos to ones that hold cultural and spiritual meanings– as that of the SakYant ( […]

  51. Danielle Marsh says:

    Hi I loved your blog. Can you tell me the address for ajarn anek

    • kimmyin says:

      Hi Danielle, thank you!
      I dont know the specifics but it’s in Chonburi. If you’ll leave your email, I can give you Jaan’s (driver) number. I always contact him to pick me up from the bus station to Ajarn’s house. I will be there this November and plan to visit Ajarn Anek then. If you visit thailand then, we can arrange to go together perhaps.

  52. lucy says:

    Hi Kimmyin! is long time now,im looking to get a sak yant.My boyfriend and me,are practicant of budist i find your information about Ajarn Anek!And heope you can give me some news about! Is he still on same place?and still making sak yants? the prises are still the same,(webpage information)

    • kimmyin says:

      Hi Lucy, thanks for visiting! Id be glad to help. Ajarn Anek is still there and I will visit him in November and I should have some news then. If you prefer, leave me your email and I can reach out to you directly

      • lucy says:

        lthis is genius! youre proper answer…. 🙂 we think to go to pattaya this november to get a sak yant…maybe more than one…. 😉 so im glad to read that Ajarn Anek is still there and still doing sak yant! tahts the reason to make hollyday in pattaya…!

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